Terms and conditions for membership contracts

  • 1 Service by Urban Gladiators

Each member of Urban Gladiators is entitled to use all sports and fitness facilities of Urban Gladiators during normal opening hours, provided that it does not interrupt regular courses.  Furthermore, each member is entitled to take part in courses offered in the Urban Gladiators Studio within the framework of the credits included in the tariff. 1 credit entitles you to participate in a course.

  • 2 House rules

When using the Urban Gladiators Studio, members are subject to the established house rules. In particular, this includes regulations on clothing, equipment use, usage times and behavior in the training rooms and changing rooms.

  • 3 Non-transferability of membership rights

The rights of use and participation acquired with membership are not transferable to third parties. A transfer of the membership to a third party is only possible with the prior written consent of Urban Gladiators.

  • 4 Extent of owed services

The monthly membership fee entitles you to participate in the courses that can be booked within the tariff. Urban Gladiators does not guarantee that the member will have all desired equipment or places in courses available at all times. Only so many devices and course slots are made available so that, within the framework of normal utilization of the fitness center, the possibility of using it without an unreasonable waiting time can be expected.

  • 5 Accompanying persons

Bringing accompanying persons, including children, is not permitted without the prior consent of Urban Gladiators.

  • 6 Limitation of Liability

(1) Urban Gladiators is generally not liable for any damage suffered by the member. This does not apply to liability for a breach of an essential contractual obligation and for liability for damage to the member resulting from injury to life, body or health and also not for damage resulting from an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by Urban Gladiators or their legal representatives.

(2) The member is expressly advised not to bring any valuables into the fitness center. Urban Gladiators do not assume any security or duty of care for valuables that have been brought in. The depositing of money or valuables in a locker provided by Urban Gladiators does not create any obligations on the part of Urban Gladiators with regard to the objects brought in.

  • 7 Termination and Payment Modalities

(1) The member must immediately notify a change in bank details in writing and, if necessary, issue a new direct debit authorization.

(2) The membership fee is withdrawn on the 2nd of each month as part of the direct debit authorization. If the member is in arrears with the payment of an amount corresponding to two monthly fees, this entitles Urban Gladiators to terminate the contract without notice for an important reason.

(3) A termination for any other important reason remains unaffected. In the event of termination for an important reason, Urban Gladiators expressly reserves the right to assert claims for damages against the member in accordance with the statutory provisions.

(4) Flat rate damages of € 6 are due for returned debits. For reminders, a flat-rate compensation of € 3 per reminder is asserted. If the member proves that less damage or no damage at all has occurred, the compensation is reduced to the proven amount.

(5) If the member defaults on two or more monthly fees, the fees for the entire remaining term of membership are due immediately.

(6) Membership is extended by half of the initial term if it is not canceled in writing 4 weeks before the end of membership. With an initial term of 1 month, the initial term is extended by a further month if not canceled 2 weeks before the end of the initial term. The preceding sentences also apply to membership renewals that follow renewals. Upon termination of membership, the member has to hand in the membership card issued to him at Urban Gladiators. If the return does not take place within 14 days at the latest after membership has ended, the loss fee specified in Section 4, Paragraph 1 becomes due.

  • 8 Consent to data collection and use

The member consents to personal data being stored electronically for the purpose of member administration.

  • 9 Others

(1) Oral agreements in addition to this contract have not been made. Any change to this contract must be made in writing. This also applies to the cancellation of the written form clause itself.

(2) Should parts of the contract be ineffective or void, this shall not affect the remaining provisions.

